Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bad, worse and worst for Rana

The acquittal of Chicago businessman Tahawur Rana in the 26/11 Mumbai attack by a Chicago jury has caused disappointment to India. Much to my amazement that when a 50 year old man is already convicted of 3 terrorism related charges and has been sentenced for 30 years for two of those charges sparing one which could have got him a life term, what more is left of a convict to be punished that India has to be disappointed about jury’s verdict! Rana who is guilty of supporting the banned terrorist group LeT and providing material support to bomb a Danish newspaper has yet to undergo the trial for 26/11 Mumbai attack along with his accomplice David Coleman Headley in India. For me the irony lies in the fact that India’s reaction to the US court’s decision reflects its intolerance towards terrorism but when the same nation harbours honour killers, rich dad’s sons who are rapists, insurgent groups , saffron coloured terrorist groups who have their freewill to terrorise minorities ; and all of them roam in the streets as innocent it only comes across as a superfluous statement.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

SPICMACAY mucical event ( Feb 10,2011 7;00 pm,BV Patel PERD centre,Ahmedabad)

SPICMACAY(Society for promotion of classical music and culture amongst youth) is organising a musical event on Thursday,February 10th at 7:00 pm at BV Patel PERD centre,Ahmedabad for sarod player Pt. Biswajit Roy Chowdhary along with tabla player Durjay Bhaumik's performance.Pt. Biswajit Roy Chowdhary born in 1956 was trained by Pt. Indranil Bhattacharya and Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, and later became legend Pandit Mallikarjun Mansur's disciple.

The big 'M' word

So whats with the new gen couples especially the celebrities,who usually define ways for the general mass to follow their footsteps; why do they seem to be running away from the unavoidable yet the avoidable stage of every relationship...the big 'M' word..."Marriage".I was going through DNA after hours to find Saifeena on the front page declaring to get "engaged" rather than getting married taking the rightful decision for their relationship! Thats the limit at the Indian celeb buzzes, and then we have the papers flooded with the hollywood gossip where X is engaged to Y and also pregnant with A's child, who also has 3 kids with B. Of course reading these nonsensical news add to my guilty pleasures list but they also make me feel disgusted with the celebrities who give no shit to mock a relationship.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Whats not hot?

I'll tell you what is not so hot...that is North India this winter. The minimum temperature reaching to a cruel figure of 2.3 deg C in Delhi has led to a corresponding escalation of another figure during the month of December.Could be the festive new year mood or the urge to get rid of the bitter cold, irrespective of the fact the liquor sales in the capital itself touched 190 crores making a new record of an all time high!!!